Our latest addition
Elfin & Elisya Birthday
Close-up.... Love the cakes..
Happy 31st Birthday Elfin...
His cake in his favourite color... Argentina :D
It was my Elfin and Elisya birthday. They share the same date. Its been a year since I have Elisya. We actually planned to deliver her on the same date as my hubby's birthday..anyway, it's kinda dramatic but happy at the end. On 17 May 2006, we went to Dr Aziz for my final check-up, praying that I am able to deliver Elisya tomorrow as it was Elfin's birthday. I was in my 36th week. Dr Aziz assured me that its ok because he's predicted Elisya's gonna get bigger, not so good for a first timer lah.
Anyway, during the check-up (after some digging here and there, you know lah..). he said I'm not ready. Was a bit disappointed but Elfin had the worst black-looking face. I can sense his unhappiness. Tak baik kan?! The trip back home was awkward and silent. I laid on my bed, while rubbing my huge tummy, said to Elisya "Elish, Elish, keluar lah. Cian Ayah.. Ayah nak celebrate birthday with Elish. Please keluar." This may sound cliché but after saying those words, I felt wet down there. I thought I peed but nah, I was bleeding. Elfin called Dr Aziz and the nurse told him that its normal b'cos he checked my cervix so, will cause slight bleeding. Fine. For the next 10 mins, the pad that I put on was soaked with blood. Called my mom and Elfin. They could see ketulan darah. Mom said that this is not normal. Elfin called Dr Aziz again and this time round Dr wants us to rushed to Raffles and wait for him.
And that's how Elisya came to this world. And the moral of the story is?? Confirmed DADDY'S GIRL.....
Will post more pics once hubby get his laptop sorted out.
P/s: Kak Ros, sorilah, I grabbed your photos again. Terlalu lah cantik. Initially ordered some cupcaked from her for Mothers' Day and since then, I place all my orders to her. A very nice lady with a special touch. :D (You can checked my multiply http://www.kisskuss.multiply.com )
My Favourite photo...
Happy Mothers' Day
These are for my Mom. Cantik sekali (My mom loves bright color so...ambik kau..Hehe!)
A different angle
This is for my MIL.. She loves pastel color so... :D
We went to Swensen airport. So the very packed man.. Queued for 45mins. The dinner almost didn't happen (a big misunderstanding!!). Actually, my sis intended to give us a treat cos she was promoted, for family only. But my dear hubby mention that we are having dinner for Mothers' Day and of cos bring her along lah. But my dear MIL invited her friend who is also brought her grown-up daughter and mentioned that we are giving a treat. Aiyoo, pening mak ooiii... Anyway, it was weird initially but we warmed up after that.
Anyway... We had fun!! Worth the trip... :D
P/s: Sorry Kak Ros, I grabbed your pics. Didn't have the chance to snap a pic lah. :D
Vroommm Vivo…
Notice how her white blouse is still dry and crisp... Not for long ;-)
We always have to stop her from scooping up the water to get a taste of the water.. Aiyoo..
Hah... Angry lah.. Hot-tempered betullah anak aku nie..
She refused the get out of the water... sampai sun dah set seh..
Trying our best to stoop to her level. Hehe...
No choice lah lahling... Have to drag her out.
November baby.. Sorry Nani, the pic is too dark. No time to photoshop lah. ;-)
See the holes there?! Heard stories on people rendezvou-ing inside. Tak senonoh lah. My mom was a bit shocked.
To all mothers out there (including me lah)... Happy Mothers' Day!!!
In loving memory of .....
Happy Birthday Ismahardi
With the absence of Yan and Adik, we wished you Happy 27th Birthday!!
Lucky you Is, kalau Elisya tak sick gerenti the cake dah kena romos tau.. Macam I nak romos Rayn. :DWith the uncle who loves to layan her.....
Mak so sad whenever Elisya is sick.
Happy advance birthday to my sis, Yan. I wish you all the best and may your dreams come true!
The Girl
Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....
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