Vroommm Vivo…
Notice how her white blouse is still dry and crisp... Not for long ;-)
We always have to stop her from scooping up the water to get a taste of the water.. Aiyoo..
Hah... Angry lah.. Hot-tempered betullah anak aku nie..
She refused the get out of the water... sampai sun dah set seh..
Trying our best to stoop to her level. Hehe...
No choice lah lahling... Have to drag her out.
November baby.. Sorry Nani, the pic is too dark. No time to photoshop lah. ;-)
See the holes there?! Heard stories on people rendezvou-ing inside. Tak senonoh lah. My mom was a bit shocked.
To all mothers out there (including me lah)... Happy Mothers' Day!!!
The Girl
Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....
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