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Monthly visit... Good news/Bad news

Written on Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ 10:57 pm

Elisya is having fever. Her temperature was up to 39 deg this morning but I managed to get it down to 38 deg. Nowadays when she has fever, she'll cry and cry for attention. And she hates the syringe too. I guess too much medicine. She vomitted twice this afternoon. The only food she can take is the baby biscuit. Well, better than nothing. I am worried cos every month, she'll definitely get a fever, flu or constipation.

I wonder if its the milk, been using Enfalac since birth. Stop giving her cold stuff (wonder if my sis has given to her during my absence??). I know my sis selalu cakap "tak baik, nanti dia kempunan" but then food like fries, ice-cream, cold drink definitely tak leh lah sis. Entah lah, they just don't understand.

Or if the amounth of shower she has. HUbby like to shower her in the sink. Its been turun-termurun katakan. Even after so much nagging, he still do it until I reach the point of heck care. Am I over-protective. But it seems that Elisya enjoy having her evening shower there. My MIL say kalau dah terlalu malam jangan mandikan..nanti dia demam. But Hubby tengok Elisya cam enjoy gitu, dia pun carry on lah... Argh!!

Mangkuk pun jadi mangsa. Dia nie hantu mandi (macam cita marah marah sayang je..)

See! See what I mean! I just can't stop her having fun.. At this point of time, we have my MIL, hubby and myself around her.. Danger minah nie...

I literally have to pull her out everytime... seriously...

Saturday or Sunday will always be a visit to nenek Ani house. How I miss putting her beside Amelia. She loves Amelia (selalu eh eh ah ah kat Ame) When she's at my MIL, she love it cos she has her cousins with her. And the toys too. My dear MIL, love bringing out the toys for them to play. She don't mind the mess too.

The future Babes in the Eunos clan...

Her new toy...Only when abang Erfan not is.. Haha!

See what happens when we try to take it away from her.. Alamak, ganaslah anak ibu.

Sophie Elisya, ibu will pray for your health ok. Biar naughty and monster-inc asalkan jangan sick.

Sayang anak ibu selalu...

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New Wallpaper..

Written on Friday, April 20, 2007 @ 10:31 pm

The other day, I was so pissed with my hubby. I pun salah lah. I was nagging at him for not helping out with the chores. But can't blame him cos he was so tired after his reservist. Sorry ok ayah.. :D

I was surprised (**) to see a new wallpaper on my laptop. It brings out the smile in me. Thanks so much ayah! Sorry for being such a nag tau (kalau you baca lah. Kan I dah give in, this time round.)

He knows she's the only person who can make me laugh so hard.. :D My precious was born last year exactly on my hubby's birthday, 18th May. I have less than a month to prepare for THEIR BIRTHDAY. Was thinking of going away or rent put a chalet, but hubby has a photoshoot on the 19th. And the next following week, he will be on duty. Apa seh, boring like hell lah.

Any suggestion people??

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Welcome to the Bam Bam Club

Written on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ 11:53 am

I promised to post some pictures on the latest addition to my family tree, Mohd Nuh Aniq. Enjoyzzzz....

East Shore Baby...

The proud parents, Aidil and Norainie

Sleeping je lah..

Cak! Nak milk lah nie..

Look at him! He super cute and so, (bak kata makcik x2, rasa seh angkat dia..) nice to carry. He was sleeping the whole day, lucky my hubby manage to capture that moment. More pictures below:

Oooppsss, wrong picture. Gambar Baby Tuek nie lak..

Mak Buyong (I mean nani) Aniq and Me (of course..)

Me and Adik

Mohd Nuh Aniq & Tiara Amelia

Look at our Michelin Amelia..So gigitable lah..

The proud Grandma. (Look at Elisya. I sense some jealousy..haha!)

Elisya and Uncle Is

Happy Birthday to my dear Mak and Aniq

Wow, you people are lucky. Photos galore.. Before I go, another picture of the future casanova...

Mohd Nuh Aniq

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Mohd Nuh Aniq..

Written on Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 3:57 pm

Sorry people, no update for the past days.. My dear sis has given birth to a healthy, bam-bam, ala-yokozuna baby boy. Seriously, he is so-sumo like. I'll try to upload the pics by tomorrow cos' too many lah. Mohd Nuh Aniq make his first appearance on Friday, 13 Apr'07 (yeah! Jason's back!!). He weigh a whole of 4.2kg and 54cm long.
The whole even was so dramatic and the 1st for all of us. On Thursday, I dropped my sis and hubby at East Shore. The day before Dr Aziz insert a pill in her hoping that her cervix will open up by tomorrow since Aniq was estimated to weigh 3.9kg. Seeing that this is my sis 1st baby, he decided to induce her. But by Thursday midnight, the nurse said that her cervix is only 4cm open (its already more than 12 hours after her waterbag burst). My sis has to undergo Cesarean to avoid complication. Dr Aziz was shocked that Aniq was born bigger than what he expected. Abang iparku pun banjirlah. 1st time I saw him so emo. I took an urgent leave to give my bro-in-law moral support. Syukur alhamdulilah, mother and son come out ok.

Elisya was so happy, not because of the baby but because she gets to travel for 3 days straight! I'm trying to teach her to sayang Aniq cos my mom keep teaching her to bite Aniq arm. I don't blame my mom cos' he is so hugable and gigitable (for non-malay speaking, it means bitable). The only thing that becomes our main conversation was.................. Aniq bird-bird macam jemput-jemput..hehe! Like my hubby say, macam Darth Vader.. Wahahaha! Why huh? Some makcik say, he'll be dark when he grow-up (not that we don't like tan baby) but its just weird cos he so fair and reddish but part bird-bird macam bulan gerhana. So, people, if you have any answer to my curiosity, please enlighten me. :D

Zanna babe, sorry lah, was extremely occupied with the new boy. I think kalau put beside rain dah macam watching Sumo fighting. Haha! BAm-bam group!!

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Cloning works?

Written on Monday, April 09, 2007 @ 11:26 am

Manage to dig out a photo of me when I was 3 years old. I just wish that my mom would keep our baby photos. I was so surprised of the similiarity Elisya and I share. Just look at the photos. Hehe! I was glad cos' (sorry no offence ayah) people/relatives keep comparing her with my husband. I so disagree on that. Oklah, whatever it is, our Sophie Elisya is our seed of love (chewah! so emo lah)..

That's me on the right.. (so comot, sampailah sekarang..)

And thats my precious Monster-Inc (sori dahling, ibu ter-overdose on the baby powder lah..)

What say you?? And I still am looking for my hubby baby pic...so till then, she looks exactly like me. Wa ha ha ha!!

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A mother greatest fear

Written on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 @ 3:09 pm

No, she wasn't jailed but....My precious was hospitalised since Sunday. Talking about it makes my blood boils. Nevertheless, i still have to tell my story.

On Wednesday, hubby and me brought Elisya to Dr. Balqis cos Elisya has slight cough and fever, just 37.2deg. Back at home, we just gave her the instructed dosage, mind u I took an urgent child care leave (Boss definitely not happy!). The next day, her fever went up to 38deg and her cough gets pretty bad. She starts to breathe heavily. I was so worried that I can't concentrate on my work. On Friday, my mom called me and wants me to go home, it was 3pm. She's the kind of mother who would rather us work than stay at home, so I think this is really urgent. It was stupis but before I can tell my colleage, my eyes go all watery.. I rushed home and brought Elisya to KK together with Hubby. Before that we took her temperature and it was 39.5deg.

Over in KK, the nurse too Elisya temperature and freaking scary, its already 40.5deg. So, we are rushed to the emergency ward. The nurse strip her naked and sponge her (she was crying hysterically by then). Took her blood test and x-ray. The doctor told us that the results show that she has no infection and to bring her home and continue sponging and taking the medicine. I told her that i was informed if a baby fever gone up till 39deg, its considered bad, cos the baby can get a fit. She said wait till it reached 41deg. Damn it, its just 0.5deg away. Furious as we are, we were glad Elisya didn't contracted any serious disease.

On Sunday, I started to worry too cos she refused to eat and drink. She looked so weak. Even when Adik dangdut infront of her, she has no response. No longer the boisterous monster I know. I was shattered inside. I decided to get a second opinion. So, we brought her to East Shore. As her fever was still high and its almost 5 days, the doctor wanted to admit her. I said, please do that cos I can’t stand seeing her sick. At this moment, money is not everything. I only have my one and only precious..

We took some pictures during her stay in the hospital. Will post it once we it downloaded. She was warded till Thursday.. She lost 1.8kg and so slim now. But she’s fine now. So, whenever, she gets very very naughty, I will just smile cos I would rather she is active and running around screaming than be weak and irresponsive. East Shore has the best service. I think I’ll go for East Shore for my second baby. ;-)

After what had happened, my priorities change. I am looking at getting a good insurance coverage for Elisya and start planning for her future.

I would like to declare that I so so in love with her since the day I held her in my arms. Can’t wait for her 1st birthday..

As promised, these are pictures taken during Elisya vacation to East Shore. Haha...

Nak go home eh??

Ibu, Elisya nak go home...please...

Before the gas mask and the suction. They need to suck out her mucus every 6 hours. So sedih seh..

The Gas Chamber.. I mean Gas Mask. For the first 2 days she cried when we put the gas mask on her (blame it on the boy next door who was crying hysterically..) but she get used to it after a while.. (My face macam tak tentu arah seh..)

Yay!! Check-out time..

Nurse Malangi taking off her drip. Funny cos she kept trying to eat the thing.

That's all folks. (Elisya is well and getting into her monster-inc identity)

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The Girl

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Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....

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. October 2006 . November 2006 . December 2006 . February 2007 . March 2007 . April 2007 . May 2007 . July 2007 . August 2007 . September 2007 . October 2007

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