Monthly visit... Good news/Bad news
Mangkuk pun jadi mangsa. Dia nie hantu mandi (macam cita marah marah sayang je..)
See! See what I mean! I just can't stop her having fun.. At this point of time, we have my MIL, hubby and myself around her.. Danger minah nie...
I literally have to pull her out everytime... seriously...
Saturday or Sunday will always be a visit to nenek Ani house. How I miss putting her beside Amelia. She loves Amelia (selalu eh eh ah ah kat Ame) When she's at my MIL, she love it cos she has her cousins with her. And the toys too. My dear MIL, love bringing out the toys for them to play. She don't mind the mess too.
Sophie Elisya, ibu will pray for your health ok. Biar naughty and monster-inc asalkan jangan sick.
Sayang anak ibu selalu...
The Girl
Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....
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