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2007, Here we come....

Written on Sunday, December 31, 2006 @ 11:27 pm

Selamat Hari Raya Haji untuk semua umat Islam diserata dunia... Happy New Year to all you people...

Had loads and loads of food today. Mak's spread + MIL's spread + Norel's black pepper prawn and last but not least, the must have and I mean MUST HAVE "SATAY GORENG" Mak Lang. She do great satay. Mua Hahaha!! Fabulouso, bonjour, sedap, hao-zhi... Had my mak's food before going off to MIL's place. Lontong je sampai 5 keping tambah dengan my favourite terung. Dats all I attack kalau ada kuah lodeh. Had 3 servings again at MIL's place..mampos..gemuk lah aku. Maybe, I should take it as my last meal. Ooppss, no not last meal as in 'last meal' but last heavy meal for year 2006! Haha! Who am I kidding here?! Anyway, nothing exciting happen today.

Elisya doesn't look so good these past 2 days. A bit worrying but insyallah, everything's gonna be good. You know, the funny thing about my monster is that when she is sick, look sick, she is still gungho, nak bergurau je. I am so blesssed for having a happy baby.

Ok people.. My wishes for the year, MORE MONEY and LESSER WEIGHT! Hehe, no lah. I hope that my whole family are healthy and well. Murahkan rezeki, semoga bertambahlah cucu untuk my Mak and better business for my dearest hubby..
Dearest Hubby and Dearest Monster.. Spot the similarity? ;-)

Am so blessed for having this beautiful girl as my precious daughter aka Monster-Inc

3 more mins to go.. Anyway, 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Luv always..

Elfin, Suwarti and Sophie Elisya

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To make or not to make...

Written on Tuesday, December 26, 2006 @ 2:46 pm

As usual, I've been m.i.a. Was pretty swamped with stuffs in the office and also at home. My dear sister got married. Selamat Pengantin Baru Raden and Isma, semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan cepatlah buat anak. Hehe!! P/s: Tima kacih lah pada Zul Radi for making a nice pink outfit for her solemisation day. Dream come true for her. :-)

I knew I had pilled up the weight but I don't need my tailor to fatten me up. The kebaya I did was humongous!! Gosh, I was pisseed but no time to alter since I collect it on Saturday itself! Mine was too big while Yan and Adik's was so fitting.. Actually, I was so motivated to eat more so just to fill up the extra space. Haha! Nah..me just joking.

Everything goes on smoothly except for the huge crowd. The groom's side was doubled than what was promised. Rumah, packed macam sardin... Cian tok kadi kena request for people to quieten down. And my uncle, what a bumper. Anyway, paiseh benor family gue seh. Sabar je lah.

Hubby was busy taking photos eventhough Nani engaged an experience one already. Aiyah, good also cos he caught Zul Radi's eye. Hopefully hubby agree to work for Zul. Ada duit lebih ayah, leh beli our baby Mazda.. Hehe! See hubby's work.

All the gerek kakis on the dais..

Our family photo plus bestman and Ani MIL.

Bedok Puteri Gunung Ledang & Sengkang Hang Tuah?? ;-)

Nice outfit.. See lah, sihat dah terurus mak, nya oiii..

I've cleared my 2 days childcare leave. Boss still haven't reply to my text for the leave but can't wait lah, left only a weeks plus to 2007. Sorry boss. I should say it was a perfect timing. Hujan yang tak henti dan suasana yang digin memang syoik jika kita sambut di atas katilku yang empuk ini. Haha! Hopefully my colleague tak spoil market. Mampos boss nanti bingit staff taking urgent leave. Kena sabor lagi agaknya..

Anyway, hubby ada sound nak adik for Elisya. I know its a bit soon. I think so too. But fikir balik nak go all over again 2-3 years down the road, nak boleh take it lah. Its really hard to lose all the 28kilos!! I think wat hubby say also ada point lah. So, people how? Not sure nak ke taknak?

If I do, good for us but bad for mak and company. Cian mak kena jaga lagi satu si monster aje dah susah. Company, sure confirm kena demoted. Can sense that the company is not so supportive of family planning lah.

If I don't, can't possibly go for the IUD or UID apa aje lah yang meka kata. Condom, mampus laki aku kata bak korek hidung pakai plastic. Tak syok! Haha!! And if I decided to have my 2nd one, not sure my rezeki macam mana.

So people...how?? Hmmm...fikiran mak ooiii...

Oklah, if I have time, i'll try to update you people lah.

P/s: Eh, anyone interested to buy a Tods bag.. Bought from my colleague but regret cos not my favourite designer lah.. So, email me ok. (SOLD!!)

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Retail Theraphy

Written on Tuesday, December 05, 2006 @ 3:25 pm

The past few days, I have to watch my Monster-Inc from far. (Gwennie, I swear. About at least 2m lah) Dia dah pandai leopard crawl. Hehe..

I disobey/break/langgaring (watever u call it) all rules!! (See expression below..) Just like Monster-Inc expression. Buruk seh muka..Hehe!

Anjat Baby..

I went to a wedding last Sunday. Actually, its all Hubby's fault. He just can't live without me. I tau lah I kan bak kata pepatah 'Behind every successful man is a woman' Hehe! We met-up with all Ayah's soccer kakis. Of course with their wifeys and babies in tow. Macam childcare meet-the-parent session. Kecok minah... As usualm Si Monster-Inc tak tau diam. Sampai tumpah aik aku. Hmmm...Ayah lah, biasa kasi dia minum kan. Since the wedding is just a stone throw away from Causeway-point, we decided to visit my long-time scandal..No people, I'm a one-man woman. Kiddy Palace lah! :D

Bukan Elisya yang ye-ye, mak dia yang senyum lebar bila masuk KP. Bought 'My First ABC' for Elisya since she loves reading newspapers! I hope she love it. A cup for her since dia macam dah besar gitu.. and of course a walker. Sorry Gwennie. I have to buy lah. My mak say she cannot tahan carry Monster-Inc. (She weight a hefty 8kg! Ayah like..).. Ayah wanna buy the simple looking but nicely fit walker and of course the Ibu always wanna buy the higher/over-accessorised one.. As usual, I get it my way. ;-) So, we decided to cancel going to MIL place since angkut banyak barang kan. Ibu so happy at this stage.

Reached home, sterilised the cup and let her drink her blackcurrant juice from the cup. Argh!! Big disappointment. She's not used to the sucking motion.. Hisk hisk!! As usual, end up in the fridge..

Nevermind, Ayah put-together the walker. Argh! Argh! Argh! Her leg can't touch the ground. Ayah say useless thing. Hmmm...nasib macam kentang lenyek. Sorry babe. Wa mistake lagi. I pray and pray that she love the toys instead and sit in the walker..

Nice.... For 5 minutes....

Hmmm... 10 minutes....

Hmmm... 15 minutes....

Waarrgh!! Dear Monster sense of patience are bad. Hehe!

My beautiful aunty who as always, can read my mind. Pick me up!!!

Aunties-aunties the best!!! Muacks! Muacks!

Yay yay yay! I loike..

Wat can I do. Eh, today macam banyak sangat "as usual" eh?? Well, as usual seperti Bumbo seat si Monster-Inc, the lovely walker kena tolak one corner.

Oh ya, tried cooking chicken porride for Monster-Inc. Will try to feed her later. Ok people, have to shower now (ya lah, lum mandi)..hopefully Ayah want to date Ibu tonight. Sakae sushi?? ;D

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to Pretty Trina. Eventhough, we know each other for barely months, I think you are a gerek kaki. Eh about that, tak leh turun harga ke? Hubby say too high lah, 2 plus can? Anyway, may you always have a flying career and stay babelious.

Ciao baby..

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The Girl

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Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....

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Aida . CT Elisa . Junz . Si Jambu . The Juramis . Trina . Yanni . Zanna .

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Artis Glamer . Artis Kita . Cupcakes . Hollywood News . Recipes .

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Coach . Gap . Old Navy . Victoria Secret .


. October 2006 . November 2006 . December 2006 . February 2007 . March 2007 . April 2007 . May 2007 . July 2007 . August 2007 . September 2007 . October 2007

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