Retail Theraphy
I went to a wedding last Sunday. Actually, its all Hubby's fault. He just can't live without me. I tau lah I kan bak kata pepatah 'Behind every successful man is a woman' Hehe! We met-up with all Ayah's soccer kakis. Of course with their wifeys and babies in tow. Macam childcare meet-the-parent session. Kecok minah... As usualm Si Monster-Inc tak tau diam. Sampai tumpah aik aku. Hmmm...Ayah lah, biasa kasi dia minum kan. Since the wedding is just a stone throw away from Causeway-point, we decided to visit my long-time scandal..No people, I'm a one-man woman. Kiddy Palace lah! :D
Nice.... For 5 minutes....
Hmmm... 10 minutes....
Hmmm... 15 minutes....
Waarrgh!! Dear Monster sense of patience are bad. Hehe!
My beautiful aunty who as always, can read my mind. Pick me up!!!
The Girl
Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....
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