Super Sick Week..
Written on Friday, March 02, 2007 @ 10:50 pm
Wat luck!
I'm having fever. I think its all started with Elisya. Hubby was infected pretty bad. His temperature was 40 deg. Slept over at MIL's place cos Elfin was too sick to travel back home. I'm so torn between hubby and Elisya.. Lucky I have people in the house who's able to take care of Elisya while I'm out. Pack some clothes for the night and for the next morning (working mah!) and off I go at 10.45pm. MIL's place was packed with Elfin's sis, hubby and 2 kiddos. I was never comfortable sleeping at MIL but funny that that night I feel so relaxed and comfortable. Maybe, its due to the rain. Not sure...
I guess I'm feeling better now. Bloody clinic charged me $41 for 4 kinds of medicine. I could pay less than 20 for that in Poly. Maybe, the company should think of raising the budget for medical claim. Hmmm...rite now, hubby next to me snoring away. Its a boring nite but can't beat Trina's boredom.. She's in Denmark and she's feeling real bored! Haha! Dats me, finding pleasure in people's misery. Haha! Kidding lah. Trina, just joking babe.
Oklah, better get to sleep. Early nite tomorrow. Its hubby first official job at Zul Radi. Hope he can cope. I'll definitely pray hard that the weather is fine. Rainy days are not so good for his camera lah. Bright sun shinny day ok!!
People, I'm going to dreamland...
P/s: Woohoo!! Our dreams come true baby... Expecting our new baby in May!!