So much difference!!!
(From Left Clockwise) Bride-to-be Yan, New Bride Nani, Swinging Bachelorette Adik, Our Big Momma, Mother to Sophie Elisya Mua i.e. Waty and Mummy-to-be K.Ani with Daddy-to-be Aidil
Nigella Lawson, do we make you proud!! Wa haha! She's a perfect example of how a true woman should be.. ;-) What can I say, I live to eat.. Wow, that's real scary rite?
Ok people..Back to work!
The Girl
Scorpio born in October 1977 @ 2345hrs.. Met my better half in 1997.. Engaged in February 2003.. Married in July 2005.. The seed of our love born in May 2006.. Loves being a wife and a mother now and forever....
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