I've been busy...
Written on Sunday, February 11, 2007 @ 7:19 pm
I guess you people must be used to my so-called busyness lah.. Well, frankly speaking, by the time I use the laptop at home, my hubby dearest is already there doing his photo editting. Work comes first. Behind every successful man is a woman.. a hot mama indeed. Wakau..feeling sikit lah.
I've been working hard at increasing Elisya's clothes supply. Blame it on MOO MOO COW. They have the best clothes there. Sorry pocket and sorry ayah. Your dear monster need to be dressed in the latest bling bling wat! Just kidding, wouldn't want to sound like some fashion-victim parents.
Bought a one-piece swimsuit for Elisya.. a bright pink. Ayah said its pretty like his princess... What do you think? I think we've spoil her.. Nah, never..
Check out my 1st swimsuit. Blinding pink!! Nice background!Ok Ibu, quit it.... My contract only state 5 mins..

Opppss..NOt the hood! Argh! Where's my bootilicious wig? Ayah!!

Ya, its funny! Laugh at me lah Ibu.... Expose me to such shame at this young age. Shame on you.. Haha!
Oh ya, I had a haircut, My hair drop a lot. So scary till one day hubby dragged me to my favourite hair saloon and sit me down.. Sexy huh?! Haha! Sometimes, when he's all strict and stern, I find it sexy... Find its a bit weird after 8 years of long hair. Hubby think its nice and fresh. I mean fresh look lah..

We had an addition to the Eunos family... Lets welcome Tiara Amelia Abdul Kadir. Glamour kan namanya.. Her mummy changed it to Tiara instead of Nur Amelia at the last minute. I think both sounds nice. Hehe..Nur is actually much better.. It means 'Cahaya' mah.. "Light"...

Tiara Amelia Abd. Kadir
Anyway, gonna be a short post cos, Hubby is just back from his event photo-taking. Lots of photos to upload and burn.. yayaya! Work comes first.
Well people... I hope I'm not hit by the 'busy' bug anytime soon.. Was really busy at work. Dunno lah, after my appraisal, I feel so revitalised. Don't ask me bout my pay raise or bonus. I am bersyukur at least I have something. I try not to let some departures dampen my working spirit. But I really will miss them. Dato' K, gonna miss your chewing gums, our 2nd hand branded bags sales and of course your ehem fake LVs.. Gwen, I really love working with you. Am gonna miss all our bitching and shopping.. even after all the 'big ass, skinny ass' statements, I miss you the most.

ME, Gwennie and Megan...
Salina, Ma, Kuan and Daphne
My Dato' K also left.. Argh!! All the best funny gerek people left the company. Kuanny, gonna miss my chewing gum supplies
Oh ya, anyone can suggest what I can do for Elisya coming birthday in May.. Hehe!