Anyway, my past due photos from the Motorshow..(P/s: Hubby's been there 3 times or more, not sure!!)
My wedding photographer and family And Ayah's Shifu...
Ok, folks, will try to upload the carss..I mean the photos of course lah.
Ciao, mummy-in-law coming, nak visit anak hantu nie. TATA..
Written on Saturday, November 25, 2006 @ 3:31 pm
Goodbye Bintan, goodbye freedom at work without all the eagle eyes, goodbye sushi, goodbye TCC, goodbye Deli, goodbye Da Paolo and most of all goodbye PRESENT!!!
Should I count myself lucky or not? I've got chicken pox. In my 28 years of my life, at last, my friend, chicky poxy visit me. On Wednesday itself, I don't really feel that good. My throat feel bad, like a lump on the top of my throat. When I try to swallow, it doesn't goes down well. Thursday, I was feeling cold, I'm practically shivering. I know I wouldn't be able to drag my feet to get a cab home, ask my dear hubby to fetch me but god's will, it rained cats & dogs. Waited for almost 30mins for the rain to stop. I couldn't even bring myself to kiss Elisya when I reached home cos deep in my heart I feel that my body's not well, major unwell. Hubby took my temperature and its 38.8!! Hubby said, its not good and wants me to stay home on Friday. The next morning, my body breaks out in spots. Argh!!! Gut instinct tells me its chicken pox. Went to see my dear Doc, yup, 90% chicken pox. 2 weeks MC (confirm no pay leave) and total bill $130 (confirm busted my medical fees limit).
Right now, I'm scratching my head. I've got loads of sores on my scalp. Yucks! I can bear with the sores, itchiness, ugliness, bad hair day but I can't bear to see my monster-inc from far. For the next 2 weeks, no contact with my monster-inc. Omg, how huh? Ayah say, just look at her pics. Its not enough lah ayah. But well, I'd rather keep my distance than to get my dearest babe in contact with Mdm Chicky Poxy. Well, maybe I should take this as my 2 weeks dieting program since I can't eat anything solid.
Oh ya, almost forgotten. Selamat Pengantin Baru for my dear classmate, Hirwati Mahsuri. At last minah, lu decide to naik pelamin. Semoga berbahagia dan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.
Oklah, gonna take a peep at my dear monster-inc.
The newly acclaimed: Hail the Queen of Chicky Poxy!!
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Year-end DO? Christmas??
Written on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 @ 10:04 pm
You know what's my usual phrase is? Busy!!! yes, I am really swamped up till my neck. Busy in office, busy at social life at all... But looking at my dear Monster-Inc, no regrets man..Y'all peps listen up.. Monster-Inc ROCKS!! Sorry Trin, no time to send you any email, will try to do next week.
Talking bout Monster-Inc, I've bought her a Bumbo chair and she hate it. Oh why oh why? Why can't you be just like any normal sweet cute baby.. She's one impatient, cho-lor, rugged baby. When you scold her, she'll laugh, when you try to make her laugh, she'll cry and worse, when dog is chaotic. At least, I'm exempted from the Bintan trip. Wouldn't want to leave my monster-inc alone with Ayah! Entah-entah jadi Jane (from the jungle). Model for Ayah shots. bark at her she laugh at that dog!! Gosh, she's really something.. Ayah's pride & joy.. blahblahbalh! Of course lah, our seed of love.. Cheewah, like real. I love her to bits.. Muack muack!
Things at office is chaotic. At least, I am excused from the Bintan trip. CAn't bear to be away for more than a day from my monster-inc. Sori Daph and Cik Sal, you guys have to do it. Hmm....lets see what will they fight for in this trip? ;-) LC, can't wait to see you in the office.
Boss wants to organise an early X'mas party/dinner. Has to rename the occassion as 'Year-end DO' cos someone don't believe in celebrating X'mas and even birthday. Well, I just have to respect other beliefs and religion. Let me ask, what kind of food would you serve if the party theme is classy and elegant. I'm sure some of you think canapes, smoked salmon served in a chinese spoon, italian style linguine and etc but not laopan-niang.. She prefer savoury snacks like fishball, sotong-ball, curry puffs, bee hoon..aiyoo, cannot make it lah! Anyway, asalkan kau bahagia lah nak. Wa tau wa santap makanan yang halal sua.. Hehe! This week must have been my lucky week. Bosses been nice to me. Must be my superb work quality lah. Me, ISO standard!
Ok, gotta go peps.. Monster-inc calling and Daddy's monster desperately trying to keep-up with her. Better run before she conquer my dear ayah. Ibu jealous tau.
Lesson for the day: People, don't accept tasks or things which you think you can do..Think before you speak. In the end, when you fail to deliver, the victim of your un-capabilities is your own surroundings.. Know when to draw the line..
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Pictures Galore
Written on Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 5:14 pm
More of Hari Raya pics...

Tiong Bahru.. 2nd last house

Uncle Ben's English cottage..


Nenek Ani and gandchildren

Me Family!

Ayah's Family
More to come......
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Cars Cars Cars
Written on @ 5:09 pm
Happy Friday!
Indeed it’s a happy one for me cos me going to meet-up with my bestfriend on Sunday and oso minah rockers, Hirwarti. Minah, at last you getting married. Never seen her in full make-up and baju melayu so was a bit taken aback when she sent me her photo. Hisk! Jambu minah…
Elisya’s getting bigger by the day and I LOVE IT! She’s beginning to imitate me and everyone of us when we talk to her. Adik tends to sing to her, all the nursery rymes in Adik’s own version. Rosak anak aku Dik.. Mak teach her ABC and 123, tu je lah oh ya, and also played her Hindi music videos.. Happy Elisya. Well, I intended to buy her a walker which is not really a walker. What am I saying. It looks like one but it’s huge. She can turn around and play with the toys attached with this saucer-look-alike. Hubby say no cos it’s a bit costly lah and said that Elisya will get bored. We brought her to Kiddy Palace and let her try it out. I really prayed hard she will love this new toy. 30 seconds goes by, she’s still curious and jumping for joy, a minute go by, starts to gets uneasy..The longest she can stay in that thing is 5 mins. Wahl au..anakku anakku…betul kata ayah. Well, I just have to accept the fact that my monster-inc gets bored easily. Apa nak buat? Adik terpaksalah kau nyanyi kan dia je…
Hubby has been doing research on cars for almost 2 months. Aiyah, ayah, take the Vios sudah. He would really love to own a Mazada 2, cute sangat lah.. Anyway, I anything asalkan jangan too small for my humongous family sudahlah. Frankly speaking, Elisya did enjoy taking the rides.
My plan for the weekend, play with Elisya, wean some nice foods for her and of cos meet my girlfriends…Ayah, please jangan tag-along. U duduk rumah jaga si monster lah.
People, have a nice weekend..
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Written on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @ 4:56 pm
I'm not missing!! Just plain busy...
Just don't understand why the work loads are damn heavy nowadays.. Could it be month-end coming soon or its just that lots of people are leaving. Yeah, 2 of my colleagues left within a week!!! I'm so so sad. We are not that close but seeing people come and go and you yourself is stuck in the same place is a bit demoralising. I can leave if I find it too depressing to work, hubby says.. But confirm my allowance gonna dip. No more shopping, no more nice restaurants (no more SUSHI!!! ARGH!!!), no more nice things for Elisya.. no more taxi rides.. Well, thinking about it, I don;t think I would want to stay at home and do nothing. Sorry mom, you goona be stuck with my monster-inc for a very good 5years!!
We have new colleague. I think he's cute.. short (not that short) and young looking eventhough he's about 5 years older. AJ we called him. The funny thing is the person whom he'll be reporting to resign the next day. Not because of him lah.. AJ, not you hokay! DL don't like AJ. What's new?! She don't like all newcomers except for dahling TK. Dato' K, lu ada peminat lah. Haha!
Went to boss place for Hari Raya.. So semangat seh. Her house full of flowers, BIG FLOWERS and lampu laplip. My mat-saleh boss pakai baju melayu. Really appreciate he tried to make the atmosphere more kemelayuan but den so selekeh. Tak kena langsung. Hubby keeps humming "I don't belong here.." Have to leave before Cik Sal datang cos really can't stand the awkward moment in his place lah.
That's about all I can remember. Oh ya, will try to upload my pictures for my birthday and hari raya.
Bye people...
P/s: Trina, thanks for linking me up. ;-)
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My Birthday Treat
Written on Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 1:15 pm
Woke up this morning with a terrible headache. Had to take the cab to office.
I would love to update+add pictures of the dinner I threw yesterday. I didn't get any cake on my birthday itself but haha! I got 2 cakes yesterday!!!
Well, I can't talk more rite now cos me still at work. Just need a break from work. I've been really busy these past few days, can't spare enough time to talk to Hubby. Sorry ayang... Oklah, I will update more tonight.
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