Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
Its been quite awhile since I update my blog. Been busy like crazy.. Oso down with viral infection..painful people!
Hubby's Wawa (grandma) passed away on Deepavali eve. The weirdest thing is his sister rang me up instead of calling him. The animosity between them is really that bad. Anyway, I rang him up to convey the news. The one bad thing (not sure if its bad lah) about my Hubby is his emotion. I know how bad the news is for him but his reaction is a 'non-reaction'. There were 4 deaths witin 2 years for him, his grandpa, pak ngah, pak long and now wawa. Feel sad for him. All this are "Takdir".. Ucapan takziah untuk bibik embeng keluarga..
Oh ya.... Here's some pics of Elisya in caps... Hehe..

Hubby's Favourite..

Macam pakai tudung... Hehe, sure hantar Hijrah Kindergarden..
My favourite..macam anak jipang...
Hubby like the one with long hair... Haha! As usual, the comot is always ready to pose for pics. I think she's used to the flash and lights of ayah camera.
On Hari Raya eve, my sisters + hubbys went to Geylang for last shopping galore. Man, its so hectic! Mummy ask to buy lontong and ketupat but the only thing we can find are lemangs, which by the way are way expensive, comparing to an empty ketupat! No choice, we have to settle for 3 lemangs. Exhange half of it for mom-in-law's lontong!!! The desperation.. Me and adik went for a last minute threading wnd we hate it cos, she thread it way too thin for us!! Went to decorama to see Ben. Haha! Our favourite spot.. love teasing him.. He's a very very nice person lah.. A good flower arranger! Superb job Ben cuma my mom je lah.. biasalah mak minah yem.. Hehe. Saw 2 groups of mats grouping (nak cari gaduh lah). Adik ever being the good minah polisi warn us to stay away, just in case kena rembat kan...SEram jugak! An accident happen between 2 motorcyclist (with their minahs as pillions). Frankly speaking, its just a stupid accident. The funny thing is, the moment the bikes clash, fall, one of the girl jump on her feet and pretend to use her hp. Paiseh lah..but the other girl is not so lucky, the bike fell on her. I just hope that people be extra careful especially in this kind of environment..ramai orang beb! Oklah..panjang sangat story..
I'll post Hari Raya pics tonight... My laptop gone haywire lah..
Selamat Hari Raya....
Written on Friday, October 20, 2006 @ 12:12 pm
I've been trying to upload my pics the whole of yesterday but silly me still can't do it. Why huh? Maybe, I am the sotong (sori Kuanny..) BUt today OK! HEHE!
Very quiet day at work today. Maybe, most of them are on leave for the long weekend. Anyway, I'm happy cos I am more productive when the boss is not around. Not that I'm complaining.
Went to sis place to collect cookies for the minahs at work. Hubby insist on bring Elisya along eventhough the haze is quite bad. His excuse, 'Kak Ani kan rindu Elisya. Nanti Elish tak kenal auntie dia'..but actually he wants to show-off the new cap he bought for Elisya. Took some pics. I will upload wen I have the time. Frankly speaking, she looks cute lah.. Hehe! Yeah, hubby, again you are right. Hmph!!
We went to Marina yesterday scouting for that Bob Marley cap..and miss our break-fast b'cos this sales guy having problems with NETS PAYMENT. HE was fumbling with the cash register, nets machine and poor Elfin. The black strip of his ATM card peeled. Since we are rushing, we decided not to pursue the matter.. bulan puasa beb. Tak baik marah marah...Hehe!
Had my delicious cupcake once I'm off the bike (Thanks, Cik Sal!)
BEfore I go I just have to post this pic, very cute.

Elfin's nephew, Khalish Erfan and Joe's son, Haris.. Cute eh?!
And of course, my monster-inc with cousin..
Well, people..that's just a part of my yesterday and today.. If I have time, I'll update tonight.
P/s: Hubby, tonight we go ronda-ronda ok.. Bring Elisya see Geylang's lights.. Yayyyyy!!!!
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Counting down to Hari Raya
Written on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 @ 4:02 pm
Wow.. I's really shaming my teachers. I've very bad memories (history!) and can't handle $$ (Maths!) Sori cher..
Spent yesterday evening sorting out my orders for the Hari Raya goodies, so no time to update. Bugger, its really confusing when you start taking credits for people or vice versa.. But thanks to the support of my 2 fabulousey sista, yan & nani, everything's fine people. Cash and list all prepared.
From Left, Adik, Yan, Me, Nani & Is (at the back) and of course my monster-inc, Elisya..
1. Goodies - Checked
2. Baju Kurung - Checked
3. Baju to tailor (still have that post-preg weight to lose lah) - Not checked
4. Money for green-packets - Checked
5. Curtains - Checked
6. Flowers - Checked
7. New bedsheets - Checked
8. Transportation - Checked
Hmm... What else huh? Oh ya, a must have. Mom's carpet!! You see people, according to our dear Big Mama, must budget, cannot spend too much compare to last year..our dear sis getting married (december) BUT LOOK AT MY LIST!!! Haha! Woman is always woman. Well, frankly speaking, personally, without these new thangs, the feeling is not there lah.
This year Hari Raya gonna be fun. With my 'monster-inc', everyone's gonna have fun. Elisya, Ibu's gonna bring you out everyday ok. No more tantrums baby.. Ayah, take note ok. Sibuklah ayah with his picture taking.
P/s: Hubby very serious bout photo-taking. He's an avid photographer! VEry proud of his works even though I'm not vocal about it to him)
Woo hoo... I gotta go. Gillian Barnes, we managed to track you down. Aren't we superb? Right Gwennie?? Gonna call you everyday! Thanks Alan for the number.
Be back soon.
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My 1st Entry
Written on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 @ 3:32 pm
Behold the 'virgin-blogger'! Yup, people, my 1st blog. How suaku is that?? Well, been checking out others blogs. Pritty cool, I should say. So, pardon my language/silly mistakes/punctuations/nouns/pronouns..blahblahblah.
Anyway, this is going to be a quick one. Cos, me at work. Haha! Yup, at work now. My dear boss, this excellent employer of yours can multi-task! Thanks to the training that I received at work. (Just in case he reads lah..) 
Me Flowers for Cik Sal & Hasni
Me Desk 
Cik Sal Desk..selerak beb..pening gua!
Ok, babes and hunnies....will update more tonight.
Ciao.. SKII
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